Bahamas Shark Tourism Survey
The Cape Eleuthera Institute has recently begun an assessment of the economic value of sharks and rays in The Bahamas. The study is aiming to update a previous assessment of the tourism value of shark diving, as well as expand the assessment to be more comprehensive of other sectors that receive broad economic benefits from sharks, such as the Film and Television sector, NGOs working on education and outreach, non-dive related tourism, as well as research institutions that benefit from shark populations in the area.
Part of the study involves conducting diver surveys, the responses of which will provide valuable information to inform resource management decision making. They hope to understand tourists’ motivations for diving in the Bahamas, their feelings about diving with sharks, their level of dive experience, and their expenditures, amongst other things.
The diver survey can be found online and should take less than 10 minutes to complete. We will be have surveys available for guests during upcoming trips.
If you have traveled to the Bahamas for shark diving related tourism, please take the short time to complete the survey. Your answers will greatly help The Cape Eleuthera Institute obtain an accurate assessment of the value of sharks in the Bahamas!
Have a read on another publication: Shark Diving Tourism in Malaysia