Incredible start to the 2015 Oceanic Whitetip Season
The 2015 Oceanic season has started with an amazing bang! We’ve had really incredible shark action right from the start, with an average chum time of only 20 minutes so far. The oceanics have all been well behaved and we’re excited to already be seeing some of our favorites from past seasons.
The water conditions have been amazing so far with seemingly limitless visibility, mostly flat seas, an average water temp of 78 ˚F. Perfect conditions for snorkeling with the Oceanics. On snorkel, the sharks get very close and love to check out all the divers. They’re bold enough to investigate, but not pushy or threatening in their approach. We’ve gotten some incredible images already in just the first week of encounters.
Yesterday, we did our first drift dive with the new group of guests. It was absolutely incredible. The oceanics stuck around for the entire dive and were joined by reef and blacktip sharks. We had one pass by an enormous tiger sharks followed by a very inquisitive hammerhead coming to check out the group. He was shy at first….passing through everyone and continuing on his way. Only minutes later, he returned and came right into our bait crate. The hammerhead buzzed by everyone in the group and we all were able to get some really nice photos. It is the first time we’ve photographed Oceanics and Hammerheads in the same frame.
Needless to say, we’re so excited to be back at Cat Island diving in the blue with the oceanics. You just never know what’s going to turn up. Stay tuned for more trip reports and exciting photos!
Interested in diving with this rare shark species? Click here to learn more about our oceanic whitetip shark diving expeditions.