Protecting Shark Populations: Shark Sanctuaries
In 2009, Palau became the first nation in the world to establish a national shark sanctuary. There are now 17 shark sanctuaries around the globe where sharks are seen for their value in the ocean environment. In general, shark sanctuaries prevent:
- commercial fishing of any sharks
- retention of sharks caught as bycatch
- possession, trade, and sale of any shark or shark product
The Bahamas established it’s shark sanctuary in 2011, covering all territorial waters of the island nation. In total, it’s an area of nearly 243 thousand square miles.
The Bahamas established it’s shark sanctuary in 2011, covering all territorial waters of the island nation. In total, it’s an area of nearly 243 thousand square miles.
In 2015, nations and territories in the western Pacific Ocean joined together to create the world’s first regional shark sanctuary in Micronesia. Together, this sanctuary protects 7.5 million square miles (19.4 million square kilometers) of ocean !
Because of the role that sharks play in maintaining ocean health, protecting them with sanctuaries provides ecosystem, environmental, cultural, and economic benefits.
The PEW Charitable Trusts
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