Restaurants Serving Shark Fin Soup
Many shark populations have faced steep declines due to years of exploitation. Their slow reproductive rates make them extremely vulnerable to extinction. The disappearance of sharks – apex predators in many ecosystems – causes dangerous imbalances in marine communities worldwide.
If you see shark fin products in a state where there is currently a ban (California, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, Texas, and Washington), please report it by contacting us so that we can verify and then add it to our list or point you to the proper oversight agency.
You can click on the map below to check out the Animal Welfare Institute’s page on Restaurants serving shark fin soup. The interactive map will allow you to click on any state and see which restaurants have this on their menu. See a restaurant missing from the list? Use this submission form to add it.
The disappearance of sharks—apex predators in many ecosystems—causes dangerous imbalances in marine communities worldwide.
Source: Restaurants Currently Offering Shark Fin Soup | Animal Welfare Institute
Shark fins were believed in Chinese culture to have properties boosting sexual potency, enhancing skin quality, increasing Vitamin content of typical shark fin soup is much less than that of typical vegetable soup, containing almost no vitamin A . However, it contains slightly more iron, zinc, riboflavin, and phosphorus than normal vegetable soup.