Beheaded shark found in fishing cooler – Miami man arrested
A Monroe County sheriff’s deputy found this gutted and beheaded shark in a Miami man’s fishing cooler. The man was arrested and charged with a second-degree misdemeanor.
The shark was reportedly a bonnethead shark, the smallest member of the hammerhead shark genus (Sphyrna – greek for hammer) and is considered a timid and harmless shark. Bonnethead sharks are just 2-3 feet on average, with the largest being around 5 feet in length. Like most shark species, the females tend to be larger than the males.
Regarding their conservation status, the bonnethead shark currently holds a LC (least concern) listing as per the IUNC Red List.
A Miami-Dade man was arrested Wednesday in the Florida Keys and charged with a second degree misdemeanor after a Monroe County Sheriff’s deputy discovered a beheaded shark in his fishing cooler.
Source: Beheaded shark found in fishing cooler leads to Miami man’s arrest