NBC Shark Hunters Cancelled!
At the end of the day we would never have got NBC to shut down production without the help and signature of each and every one of you. You are the reason the advertisers pulled out (thank you TripAdvisor, Clorox/Kingsford Charcoal, Allstate, Citrix), that NBC had to go on the defense and why we made season 3 a non-starter for commercial reasons.
Thank you to many groups who rallied behind this petition including, The Dodo (Melissa) (https://www.thedodo.com/), Blue Planet Society (John) (http://blueplanetsociety.blogspot.co.uk/), Fin Free (http://fin-free.com/) and finally, thank you to www.Change.org for providing this platform and for actively supporting this petition.
Source: Petition Update · NBC Shark Hunters Cancelled! · Change.org